Proctor school Message from the Principal

Sarah O'Leary, Principal of Proctor Elementary School, Topsfield MA

message from Mrs. O'Leary

Welcome to Proctor School!

We are a learning community of 275 students in grade 4, 5 and 6. As educators, we are passionate about creating an inclusive environment where all are immersed in innovative practices that support the social emotional growth of all community members.

In our district, we are currently working on a multi-year focus in the three following areas:

    • Inclusive Practices

    • Social/Emotional Learning

    • Innovative Teaching Practices

All of our work aligns with the Tri-Town School Union's Vision Statement. The Tri-Town School Union believes in nurturing a dynamic learning environment where creative thinkers and innovative problem-solvers develop the empathy, resilience, perseverance, self-management, and kindness needed to positively impact the world.

To learn about all the amazing learning experiences happening at Proctor, follow us on Twitter @ProctorSchoolMA. In addition, I send out a weekly newsletter. If you are not receiving our newsletter and would like to, please send me an email @


Sarah O'Leary, Principal of Proctor Elementary School, Topsfield MA